GSoC2011: coreboot spice payload, OE and rootfs

As stated in my midterm report I’m working this first 2 weeks after midterm to work on building the payload image. I wanted to hardcode everything but we(my mentor and I) understood it would be better to use something like OpenEmbedded for that.

This first week I studied OpenEmbedded. I tested many distributions starting with angstrom, they showed too heavy for our purpose. After those tests I found micro and realized it would be a better start.

With that I’m working around micro to build our own distro, I’m adding X11 dependencies and right now I’m packing the spice client and its dependencies. In the end of the week I must have sorted every details.

2 thoughts on “GSoC2011: coreboot spice payload, OE and rootfs”

  1. Yes, I took a look at buildroot, but OE seemed more flexible than buildroot – sure despite the complexity inherited(benefits have their prices).

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